20 Ways You Can Help Your Child
Celebrate their decision to bring music into their life and participate in a school music program.
Read the literature brought home from school and determine what is required to get started.
If there is an open house or parent meeting, plan to attend with your child.
Acquire a musical instrument that is in proper playing condition. Investigate rent-to-own programs.
Be sure your child has any required method books or learning materials prior to the first day of class.
Provide a suitable time and place for home practice. Don't cast them out to the garage!
Encourage and support practice. That awful noise will only turn into beautiful music with practice.
Develop a rapport with the music educator. Ask for their list of ways you can help your child.
Get involved in booster and fundraising organizations. It's quality time invested into a great cause.
Be generous with your acknowledgements of your child's progress. Learning to play isn't easy!
Don't rule out learning to play, yourself. Music making is an extremely rewarding experience.
Record your child's home practices on tape/cd. Listen with them and praise their improvements.
Enhance their interest by purchasing current/popular sheet music at your local music store.
DO NOT, under any circumstance, miss their first public performance. This is their big day.
Offer rewards for the tough hurdles. Research upgrade instruments when the time is right.
If your child is struggling, don't give up. Seek the advice of the music director and offer your help.
Don't push from one side, but rather support from all angles. Rally the entire family behind the effort.
Keep the instrument in good working order. An instrument in disrepair slows your child's progress
Be aware of school budget hearings. Music programs are usually the first cut when cash gets tight
Learning to play takes patience, time and effort. Progress can be slow, at times, which can lead to frustration and lost interest. You have to remember that we're competing with computers, video games, television, sports and time with friends. Neither your child nor their teacher can do this alone. They need your support, encouragement and participation. The rewards are well worth your investment of time & finances. Get involved and enjoy this time with your child!
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